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Encounter God's love and grace in our welcoming community, where all are accepted and valued. Knife River Lutheran Church (KRLC) is a member of the NE Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).
At KRLC, we believe in the Holy Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the authority of the Bible. We also believe in the power of prayer and the importance of living out our faith in our daily lives to support those less fortunate than ourselves and work for justice and peace.
KRLC is committed to serving our community and sharing the love of Christ. We believe that everyone is welcome in our church, and we strive to create a safe and caring space for all people.
Worship services are designed to help you connect with God and grow in faith. We offer a variety of worship experiences.
Join us in worship and fellowship as we grow in our faith and serve our community. We are led by Pastor Susan Berge who has been serving here since 1991. In addition to leading worship and preaching she works with church committees, provides pastoral care, shares her musical talent, and much more!
Hannah serves as the Church Custodian. We have her to thank for how beautiful the church always seems to look, no matter how busy it gets.
Carol has served as the church organist, pianist and music director for decades. Her faithfulness and musical talent continue to set the tone for worship on most Sundays.
Melanie serves as the volunteer administrative assistant.
ED serves as the church Treasurer, in charge of financial decisions and directions.
Michael serves as the church Bookkeeper, completing .detailed transactions such as expense reimbursements, weekly offerings, payroll, paying invoices and counting our pennies.
Joanie is our church Librarian, organizing and maintaining our books, videos and other collections.
Linda coordinates articles and publishes our monthly newsletter. She also uses her Master Gardener skills to lead the group caring for our Memorial Garden.
Patti organizes and directs (and often accompanies) the JOYFUL choir. She is a professional choral director and provides inspiring leadership to our vocalists.
The church Council oversees all aspects of church administration. It establishes policies to promote the spiritual well-being of church members and the ongoing mission of the church. President Helene Hedlund, Secretary Kay Bloom and Treasurer Ed Lee.
Helene Hedland serves as Council President.
The worship committee guides the conduct of worship. It attempts to utilize the gifts of the congregation in preaching, music, technology and design to facilitate meaningful worship each week. Pat Meyer leads the Worship Committee.
The Building and Property Committee is charged with the upkeep and maintenance of the physical facilities of the church to make it safe, sound and accessible for all. It also oversees the grounds of the church and it's structure. The Columbarium, Garden and church building fall under its jurisdiction. Co-led by Scott Jasperson & Bjorn Ojard.
The Stewardship Committee oversees the budget, led by church Vice-President David Grong. The Treasurer and bookkeeper work to handle and report on income and expenses. Church members have shown tremendous generosity and support for church ministries. An Audit Committee examines the books annually to insure financial integrity.
The Endowment Committee administers a designated fund that promotes the outreach mission of the church. Phil Berge leads the committee. Only the interest on its investments can be spent. It supports young people and special projects (as approved by council).
The Christian Education Committee defines and implements the youth program for the church. Lawrence Burhart has led the committee for many years.
The Altar Guild works within the context of the Worship Committee, and is co-led by Delores Jackson and Mary VonGertz. They keep our worship space beautifully decorated with flowers, banners, lit candles, and liturgical colors. They also set up the elements for Communion and healing services.
W/ELCA serves the fundamental mission of the church through various outreach, social and service initiatives run, and self-funded, by the women of the church. Note: There are many more women than those pictured here who are active. We are active in monthly Bible study, purchasing items for the kitchen, serving funerals and weddings, sending get well cards and flowers and reaching out to members of the community in need. Linda Grong leads W/ELCA.
The men's group supports the church through fellowship, activities and they take on projects to make our spaces safer and more comfortable. Ed Lee leads the men's group.